
Friday, 30 December 2011

How to Disable Facebook Timeline in Chrome, Firefox and Safari

If you do not want to timeline more, then friends don’t worry. I received a tricks on my email from my friends, I tested it and it works great so i share this tricks with you.

  • How to Remove or Disable Timeline From Mozilla FireFox:-
If you are using the Mozilla Firefox then it’s very easy to disable timeline. First of all install UserAgent Switcher Extension from here(user-agent-switcher) and then choose the Internet Explorer 7 by selecting Firefox tools/Useragent Switcher/Interent Explorer.

  • How to Remove or Disable Timeline From Google Chrome:-
For Windows 7 and Windows vista:-

Right Click on the Google Chrome icon and click on proprieties and  in target box add following syntax after/chrome.exe
–user-agent=”Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)”

and click on Apply and Ok.
In simple open the notepad and paste the below syntax and save with .bat extension.


"%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --user-agent="Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)"

For Windows XP:-

paste the code in notepad and save with .link extension.


"%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --user-agent="Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)"

How to Remove or Disable Timeline From Safari:-

For Safari Browser go into the preferences menu, select “advanced”, then tick the “enable developers menu” then exit the preferences menu. then click the page icon menu (next to the cog wheel icon) then select the “develop/user agent” menu, there you can choose the user agent you wish to use for the current website you are viewing. Select Internet Explorer 7.

Enjoy Guys...!!!

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

FUD Crypter Free Download - Bypass Antivirus Detection

In my previous post i gave you free Ardamax keylogger and i explained how you can use ardamax Keylogger to Hack victims email passwords , But the problem is that this Key logger can be easily detected by victims antiviruses. So to bypass antivirus detection we have to crypt our Keylogger's server file using a Crypter.

  • What Is Crypter ?
Crypter is a  software used to hide our viruses, keyloggers or tools from antiviruses so that they are not detected by anti viruses. Thus, a crypter is a program that allow users to crypt the source code of their program to Bypass antivirus detection..

  • What Does UD And FUD Mean ?
UD means undetected, so only a few antivirus programs detect it. FUD means fully undetected, so no antivirus detects it..

  • FUD Crypter Free Download - Bypass Antivirus Detection 

1. Download Free FUD Crypter from  Here

2. Open the FUD Crypter select server file as your Keylogger file or RAT file , Then go to Appearance tab check custom icon and select your icon ( i have included a icon pack also )

3. Finally click " Crypt " , Now you will get a Crypted file  which is totaly undetectable by antiviruses.


Monday, 19 December 2011

Internet Download Manager 6.05 Build 7 Final

Internet Download Manager 6.05 Build 7 Final

Download here....

  • How to Crack IDM ??
1.  Close your IDM
(you will find the Tray on the right side of Notification area)
2.  Turn off Live Protection of your Antivirus. [it is Recommended during CracKing]
3.  Run "Patch.exe"
4.  Click Patch Button
5.  Exit Patch
6.  Goto -=> C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc
7.  Find "Host" file

Note : if you'll not find any host file then right click on the etc folder, select Properties,
Check Read-Only & Hidden, click Apply, Press OK & then Uncheck Read-only & Hidden, click Apply and then Press OK.

10. Open Host file with Notepad.
11. Copy the Following Codes and Paste into Host file.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- www.internetdownloadmanager.com registeridm.com www.registeridm.com tonec.com secure.registeridm.com secure.internetdownloadmanager.com mirror.internetdownloadmanager.com mirror2.internetdownloadmanager.com mirror3.internetdownloadmanager.com mirror4.internetdownloadmanager.com mirror5.internetdownloadmanager.com mirror6.internetdownloadmanager.com
12. Save it by Press "Ctrl+S"
13. Close it.
14. Restart Your PC.

That's it.....


Wednesday, 14 December 2011

How to convert XP in to Black XP

This is Nice and funny trick to Convert XP into Black XP... 
Let see... How to convert ??

First go to Control panel and Select Accessibility Options
Then select Display option and select check box (Use High Contrast)... 

Then Apply and Ok....
now your XP is Converted in Black XP... :P

change your font setting go to
desktop Right click - properties - Appearance - then select Font size (Normal).
That's it....

After screen look like...


Sunday, 11 December 2011

Hide files using Winrar and an JPG image

By using this trick, you can hide your files in a rar file, but it looks like a picture.

For this you need Winrar and a Picture to show instead the hidden file.


1. Make a New Folder in any one drive, rename it to HIDDEN (you can put name of your wish).
Let it be in C drive, so that its address is C:\HIDDEN\

2. Copy all your secret files to that folder.
Select all the files.
Right click and select "Add to HIDDEN.rar" , here HIDDEN is the name that you gave to that folder created in first step.

3. Delete all files, except the created HIDDEN.rar file.

4. Copy an image to that folder. Let its name be taken as pic.jpgThis picture is used to hide the Winrar file that we made.

5. Now open Command Prompt. (Start > Run > cmd ) 

6. Change the prompt to C:\HIDDEN\ .
To do that, in cmd, first type cd c:\HIDDEN\ (works only if that folder is in windows (C:) drive).
If that folder is created in other drive like D:, then firts type D: ad press enter, then type cd D:\HIDDEN\.

7. Now type the following:
COPY /b pic.jpg + hidden.rar Roy.jpg

8. That creates a picture that looks same as pic.jpg in HIDDEN folder.
This Roy.jpg contains all your files.

To get your rar file, just right click on image and open with winrar... that's it....

If  U R Can't under stand then watch this you tube video


Friday, 9 December 2011

How to hack remote computer using IP Address

Literally, hacking is accessing something or somebody in internet without their permission or interest. While, speaking in summary, hacking is very easy job, it is like instead of using front door, finding the hidden door of a house and hijacking the precious things. Among all the hacking, hacking via IP address is one of the most common yet powerful beginning.

You may want to hack the website and put your advertisement there or grab some database information In this type of hacking, you are playing with the web server’s computer instead of the administrator’s computer. Because, www.website.com is hosted in separate web server rather than personal computer.

Another can be accessing your friend’s computer from your home. Again this is IP based and this is possible only when your friend’s computer is online. If it is off or not connected to internet then remote IP hacking is totally impossible.

Well, both of the hacking has the same process. Let’s summarize what we must do.
  1. Confirm the website or a computer you want to hack.
  2. Find or trace their IP address.
  3. Make sure that IP address is online
  4. Scan for open ports
  5. Check for venerable ports
  6. access through the port
  7. Brute-force username and password
Now let me describe in brief in merely basic steps that a child can understand it.

First, getting the IP address of victim.

To get the IP address of the victim website, ping for it in command prompt.
For example,
ping www.google.com
will fetch the IP address of Google.com

This is how we can get the IP address of the victims website.
How about your friend’s PC? You can’t do www.yourfirend’sname.com, can you? Finding your friend’s IP address is little tough job, and tougher it is if he has dynamic IP address that keeps changing.
One of the widely used method to detect IP address of your friend is by chatting with him.
How ot find IP address ur frnds on facebook ??
for ex :- 
start > Run > Type - CMD ....
hit enter
then type Netstat -an

there are many ip display
select any one then use it....

Now you got the IP address right? Is it online?
To know the online status just ping the IP address, if it is online it will reply.

If the IP address is online, scan for the open ports. Open ports are like closed door without locks, you can go inside and outside easily.
Use Advanced Port Scanner to scan all open and venerable ports.

Now you’ve IP address and open port address of the victim, you can now use telnet to try to access them. Make sure that you’ve telnet enabled in your computer or install it from Control panel > Add remove programs > add windows components.

Now open command prompt and use telnet command to access to the IP address. Use following syntax for connection.
telnet [IP address] [Port]

You’ll be asked to input login information.

If you can guess the informations easily then it’s OK. Or you can use some brute-forcing tools like this one.
In this way you’ll able to hack remove computer using only IP address...


Thursday, 8 December 2011

How to Hide File Behind Video (Steganography)

First , DOWNLOAD this software...

Now open, Steganography


Now, Click here ( to select file you want to sent)


Now , click add button (to add file to be hidden)

Now, you can click on  next  ( to select file or any message which you want to hide within the Video)


Now, type your password and click on Hide ( your Video will get hide and you can send to anybody)

Now, Your file is hidden

For Unhiding :-

  • First , select the  file which you want to unhide
  • Now , ENTER the password earlier typed
  • Now, Click on unhide to see the result
